Thursday, January 7, 2016

Young Living Hair Care Options

I have had several people message me lately about which shampoo and condition combo to purchase from YL so I thought I would do an overview on the options in case others are wondering, too. 

When you first start using a natural shampoo, it takes a bit of getting used to. It doesn't contain all the chemicals that make it foam up so it sort of feels like you are washing your hair without any soap at all. Rest assured, it's still cleaning and doing its job but it is just a different experience. Also, most shampoos strip all the natural oils in your hair away every time you wash (using chemicals, of course) so your body produces more oil every day . These shampoos from YL will leave some of the natural oils in your hair so it takes a week or two for your body to know to stop producing so much. Think... messy buns for a few days. wink emoticon After that, it's smooth sailing and your hair will be shiny and healthy and will always smell great! Another bonus? I only have to wash my hair every two or three days now. #stayathomemomwin  Finally, as you wash, you're breathing in these amazing oils that benefit you and your cells in so many ways. It is really a blessing on so many levels to have access to such great oil infused products.

Hope this helps!

EXTRA NOTES - Let’s get real here - the stuff in regular shampoos is just down right terrible for you. The ingredients are toxic and even the fragrances they use include chemicals - which we know cause behavior issues in children and hormone disruption and diseases like cancer in adults. (Seriously - It takes just 26 seconds for the chemicals in the shampoo, laundry detergent, air fresheners, candles, etc. we use to reach our cells once we inhale their fragrances... and then the damage begins.) I am not one to post much about toxins and live in or spread fear about it (Trust me - I pray and receive protection daily for my family because nothing is perfect and we still need His Grace!) but I think we know enough about it all to give us reason enough to make some easy and responsible changes. The US regulations aren’t doing anything about it like other countries are so it really is up to us what we let in and on our bodies and environment. Switching shampoos isn't any trouble and you'll feel great about making the change to one with natural ingredients and quality essential oils! And, hey, if you can't, you can't. If you don't want to, don't. wink emoticon No fear, no pressure. Just wanted to pass along information!

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