Monday, March 20, 2017

Seasonal Support

Happy Spring!

I love this season.  Everything in the world gets warmer and more colorful.  It's definitely good for energy and making everyone a little bit happier.

BUT... it does come with its challenges.  Especially in Delaware where the pollen just ruins most of us for several months out of the ear.  Swollen eyes.  Itchy and runny noses. Headaches. Rashes. Scratchy throats.  That is a part of spring that isn't fun so let's talk about how we can naturally support our bodies so we can enjoy the better parts of spring with more freedom and wellness!

2 drops YL Peppermint Vitality
2 drops YL Lavender Vitality
2 drops YL Lemon Vitality
2 drops YL Copaiba Vitality
Add essential oils to an empty vegetable capsule and top with a carrier oil like Young Living's V-6.  Take this once or twice a day as needed.

20 drops Lavender
20 drops Lemon
15 drops Peppermint
15 drops Copaiba
Add essential oils to a 10 mL roller bottle and fill to the top with a carrier oil like Young Living's V-6.  Roll on wrists, sinus cavities and under your nose as needed.

3 drops Lavender
3 drops Lemon
2 drops Peppermint
2 dope Eucalyptus Globulus
Add essential oils to an ultrasonic diffuser and operate as directed in the instructions.

Some other great essential oil blends and products to have on hand...

  • Raven
  • RC
  • Harmony
  • ImmuPower
  • NingXia Red
  • Super C
  • Allerzymes
  • Super B
  • MultiGreens (contains bee pollen!)
Also, be sure you are eliminating toxins from your home!  Many fragrances and chemicals in the products we use everyday make seasonal allergies and their symptoms (especially headaches) much worse.  Young Living's Thieves product line of cleaners and awesome selection of personal care goodies make the ditching and switching really easy.  Candles and air fresheners are a major culprit and contributor to the rapid rise in seasonal allergies, too (and so many other horrible chronic diseases).  So eliminate them from your home immediately and replace them with diffusing essential oils.  It's an easy switch because your home will still smell lovely and you will enjoy lots of extra body system support.

As far as diet goes, try your best to consume non-GMO  and organically grown produce.  Einkorn wheat serves as a great replacement to traditional flour and Young Living's isn't sprayed with harsh chemicals and uses original, ancient seed.  It's WONDERFUL for your body.  Drink plenty of water and add Young Living Citrus Vitality oils as an easy way to keep your body detoxed and well hydrated.  Substitute sugar and artificial sweeteners with local honey and add bee pollen to your salads, eggs and sandwiches.  Be smart!  We know what is healthy and what foods make us feel good.

God designed our bodies to know what to do when it comes to allergens.  Unfortunately, OTC medication replaces the healthy and effective function He gave us within our bodies.  Since we are designed to run efficiently, those body systems will shut down if they do not have to work.  So the more medication we take, the worse our allergy symptoms become and the more we have to take for the same results.  It's a slippery slope but we have options!

Start feeding your body systems NOW with quality food and supplements and support healthy system function with these great essential oils.  You will feel awesome because your body will be doing what it is designed to do with God-given support that your body knows how to use!

(As always, these recipes are to be used with Young Living essential oils ONLY.  They are the only essential oils in the world that are pure enough to breathe, apply and ingest.  To learn more about how to have access to them for yourself and your family, please click here!)

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